Saturday, January 26, 2013

Knowing God in Prayer and His Word

The most precious thing on earth is knowing God. Knowing Him is not limited to scripture, it helps, but God also reveals Himself through things such as general and special revelation. It causes us to inquire in who this creator is. This very much what prayer can be like, we are talking to the Creator of the entire universe when we pray. We can ask Him anything weighing on our hearts, the more we seek Him, and inquire about Him the more He will reveal Himself to us, and He will answer us. Asking questions is always a good thing, that's how you learn. Nothing is more important than this. There is one thing many Christians lack, and that is desire. Many have thoughts and liking's of being wise, yet they do not want to take the time to attain the knowledge, and apply its truths to their lives. So it is with prayer. Each Christian must have a desire of having God hear their prayer. It's an abnormal Christian if God hears his prayer only once in three or five years or three or five months. This is not to say they do not pray, it's just ineffective. Their faith is more than likely lacking. Faith is a necessity of praying according to the will of God. Many Christians walk around saying over and over, "I want to know God's Will" "What is God's Will for my life?" The problem is that many only know prayer through the Bible, and not prayer in the presence of God. Many live by what the Bible only says, and forget experiences with God where He deals with us and teaches us how we must pray, and the conditions for answered prayer. As we read the Bible the Holy Spirit interprets the scriptures and helps us understand, He speaks into our lives the truths of the Word. Hebrews refers to the Word of the Lord being as a sword dividing (Hebrews 4:12). Here is a helpful Bible study hint. Break your reading into 4 steps. Try not to read too much otherwise it will all become overwhelming and you won't remember much. Take 8-10 verses in a chapter and 1. Read over it and familiarize yourself with it. 2. Ask the Lord to impress a word or phrase on your heart to take out and think on. 3. Pray and praise over the Word, thank Him for it. 4. Ask Him how you can live out what He impressed in you. These are some sure ways to gaining knowledge and wisdom as you read and study the Bible. Reading and praying is a joint thing in our Christian walk. Also, did you know that God speaking to you is apart of prayer? Prayer isn't just us talking to Him. Prayer is also waiting for Him to respond, and speak to our hearts. This is how we find His will. Before all of this can happen there are a few questions we have to ask ourselves, they make the difference in how we read, and how we pray, and how we listen. Are there any hinderences that need to be removed? When you are really seeking for understanding, God will tell you what you need to deal with. Once it's revealed, deal with it, and remove it. This is a way to knowledge. When you know what hinders, you know not to do it. Is there desire? A prayer which does not move the pray-ers heart will not move God's. Did you ask? James 4:2 Are you obedient? This is a HUGE one! This is listening to God. You want Him to listen to you? Listen to Him. This is so true. I came to Him today and said Lord you sure aren't speaking much. Do you know what He said back? Neither are you! It matters. God's ear is open to those who obey Him. Do you have faith? Faith is submission. It is believing God in prayer. All the faith we need is the size of a mustard seed, which is about the size of your pinky toenail probably. Not big at all. But big enough for our BIG God. Are you praising Him? Praise Him! Sing to Him a new song. Lift your hands in humble adoration. Fall before Him. Thank Him. Sometimes we can pray away our faith by praying too much, and not praising enough. This too pulls us into the transcended presence of God. When we pray seeking the Lord, when we praise, when He speaks, we are spending special intimate time in His presence. We are on Holy Ground! It lights our life up! This will begin to have an effect on us. We will begin to come more and more like Him. The more we are with Him, the more we become like Him. The Bible promises that when we seek, we find. Seek Him with all your heart. Abide in His presence. Know Him in prayer, and Word, obtain the knowledge, apply the truths, and keep walking in the way of wisdom.

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