Deeper in Proverbs

"But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him. But he must ask in faith without any doubting, for the one who doubts is like the surf of the sea, driven and tossed by the wind." -James 1:5-6

Looking for a way to go deeper with God? The Proverbs are packed full of words and wisdom to live by. A great man of God taught me when I don't know what to read, go to Proverbs there is one for everyday. He has now gone on to be with Jesus, but I still cling to those words of truth and encouragement He spoke over my life. I have also been encouraged to do this through a ministry I am involved in.
Most of the Proverbs were written by Solomon, he was the guy who asked God for wisdom above riches or fame. His wisdom literature is Proverbs, Song of Solomon, and Ecclesiastes. Sadly, Solomon who was once the wisest man, became the most foolish man. Ecclesiastes is his repentance. Some things to keep in mind as you read through Proverbs is they are practical, and not theoretical, truisms, and not promises, principles and not methods.
I was encouraged to categorize the Proverbs as I go through and read, and to make up a keyword image directory in my Bible. So when you need to find a quick verse on the heart, you can flip through and see your image for heart and read some wisdom on what to do.

Visit my new blog: for more wisdom thoughts.

Proverbs 1:

Opening prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, I humbly come before Your throne this morning seeking you. Teach me, and show me the things I need to know, not through answers but through Your wisdom, Father. In Jesus name. Amen.

Basic Scripture Truth- Verse 10 and 15 spoke to me. I like how the verses say, “my child.” We are children of God when we come by the way of the cross. (Matthew 10:38). One of my fears is that I might go back to my old ways. These scriptures encourage to turn our backs, and getting off their path. We can’t be friendly with sin and expect our life to remain unaffected. It’s brave and smart to RUN!

Application- I must renounce the thoughts of going back first and foremost, then turn and run to the cross! It is an, again, dying to self and flesh at the cross of Christ.

Closing prayer- Father, thank you for setting me free, and thank you for deliverance. Thank you for the cross; for salvation. I love being called Yours, and knowing You are mine. Thank you that your love never lets go. Grant me knowledge and wisdom that I may know and follow you more closely. In Jesus name. Amen.

Proverbs 2:

Opening prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, I come before you bringing a sacrifice of praise, I give you myself as an offering of worship. I worship you for your Word that teaches me. May this time glorify you, Father. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Basic Scripture Truth: The first 7 verse stood out most to me. More specifically the word, "treasure" in verses 1,4, and 7. When we think of this word we think of something that is precious to us, and of great value. Fear of God is a treasure that makes one rich in life, faith, and character, and good works. It cannot be stolen, nor decrease in value (Isaiah 33:6).

Application: I must seek for this treasure mentioned, I must strain tirelessly to possess all He wants me to have. When I do acquire it, I protect it, and value it with my life. As Luke describes Mary after being told she will have Jesus, "She pondered this treasure in heart." She thought on it, it was in the forefront of her mind.

Closing Prayer: Father, thank you for the treasure you are to me. You are mine, and I am Yours. My heart seeks You. My mind ponders on who you are, and the things you desire for me to learn. Help me to continue in Your paths, and Your truth, and wisdom. I love you. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Proverbs 3:

Opening Prayer: Good Morning Lord, Thank you for the reminder of how You have preserved your Word, and you use people like me, and have given me and everyone who treasures your Word the task of passing it on. Continue to strengthen and empower me. Speak to me through Your Word, point out that which I need to adhear to better.

Basic Scripture Truth- Verse 27 stood out to me. As a Christian, we are called to help each other. The good things we can do for one another aren't exactly involved, sometimes the people we come into contact with simply need an encouraging word, or smile, someone to listen to them. We have no excuse to withhold anything because we have the power of the Holy Spirit living within us. He empowers us to be His hands, His feet, His words, to do good unto others. (Galatians 5, Romans 1-12)

Application- I always doubt my power to do anything, I look at me in the flesh and not who lives within me. We can access His power all the time, but the underlying truth that turns on the power is daily walking in the Spirit, allowing Him to have control in our lives. I've learned recently we have to ask for the Holy Spirit to fill us everyday, or even every time we use His power to reach someone, ask Him to refill. The next opportunity that presents itself where I'm to help or show kindness, I need to remember who I am in Christ, and activate that Jesus power that lives within me.

Closing Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you for the opportunities you give me each day to witness your power to people. I pray you will make me more aware. Fill me even now with your Holy Spirit. I thank you for the gift of the Holy Spirit, and that He controls my life now, and not me anymore. Help me to walk out my Salvation, help me to walk in the Spirit. Put people in my path today that need you. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Proverbs 4:

Opening Prayer: Heavenly Father, Thank you for this time to meet with You. Thank you that you tore the veil and made a way for me to commune with you personally. Thank you for speaking to me. As I read your wisdom this morning, engrave it deep in my heart and mind, that I might remember it in times that I need it most. I don't want to forget the things you teach me. My heart is open to what you want to teach me. Pour into me Yourself, Father, so that I will be more like you. Bless this time I have with you, and may it continue throughout the day, and carry me to new heights. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Basic Scripture Truth: Verses 25-27 of this chapter spoke to me. We are encouraged to mark out a straight path for our feet and STAY on it. I immediately thought of the Armor of God listed in Ephesians 6. For our feet we are to put on the shoes of peace which comes from the Good News of Jesus. Isaiah 52:7 proclaims "How beautiful are the feet on the mountain of those who bring Good News of peace, and salvation, news that the God of Israel reigns!" We stay away from evil and are safe when we do the very thing we are commanded to (Matthew 28:18-20). This is how we stay spiritually focused not getting sidetracked, or taking detours.

Application to Life: In application, I need to set more boundaries, and not chase so many different things. I also need to get in a better habit of praying on my armor daily, so I can stay focused on the path, and equipped to stay safe and fight against Satan.

Closing Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, I confess first and foremost for not always staying focused and being all about You. Help me to follow you more closely. Thank you for Your Spirit which convicts me, and the armor that protects me. You are my God who is my shield, You lift my head high. You lead me through valleys and peaceful meadows. Seeing you is my goal, Father. I strive to reach Heaven on the day You come get me. I pray You will find me faithful, on the path you marked out for me. I love you, Daddy. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Proverbs 5:

This particular proverb is geared more toward men. The immoral woman becomes an idol for men. Her looks are promising, but her bite is like a snake, it is sharp and deadly. Idols lie! They leave you for death!
When I come across scripture or proverbs geared more for men, I like to take the opportunity to pray for the men in my life. A sweet godly woman taught me to start praying for the men in my life.

Prayer: Father in Heaven, I pray for the men in my life, my dad here on earth, my brother, my uncles, my cousins, dear friends, the leaders in my church. They are Yours, Father, and You gave them to me for a reason, you gave them me for a reason. I pray, Father, that you would protect them. Protect them from the immoral woman who comes along and promises a good time, yet doesn't deliver but leads them to death! If they are living in sin, convict them. Even now, kick them in the gut, and fill their mind with You! Make them sick of her, and sick of living in sin. Make them true men of God, following in your ways, leading their families, taking responsibility, and doing what is right, not in their own eyes, but in Yours, Father. If they need to come to know you, woo them to yourself, come on so strong that they will want to say "yes" to you. Thank you for all the men in my life. May they be all you want them to be. In Jesus Name! Amen.

Proverbs 6:

Opening Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, Thank you for another day to be in Your Word, and hear from You. Give me new Word, and new perspective that I might be more like You. Help me to apply it my life even now. Teach me now the things that should be learned.

Basic Scripture Truth: I read verses 24-35 in a new way. Normally, when I read Proverbs or any scripture about men giving into the "immoral woman" I kind of give the guy grief like what is he thinking?! But then I thought of it from a womanly point of view. Am I doing things that might lead a man astray? Sometimes we women lack attention and love from our Fathers especially, and even husbands, and it leads to promiscuity. Instead of embracing God as our Father, and true lover we tend to turn to men. We're women it's what we want! We seduce them in simple things even maybe being a little too flirty, or sending the wrong message in actions. Our dress is a big time thing, some women show too much, it sickens me. We have to be so cautious and not get too comfortable around men unless they are our daddies, sons, and husbands.

Application: In application to this truth, I as a woman should have boundaries. I have a sister in the Lord to keep me accountable to my actions, how I dress, my words. Not being alone with a guy is smart too. I should only hang out with guys when I have one of my girlfriends around so they can warn me when I'm crossing boundaries or start sending a wrong message.

Closing Prayer: Father, help me to always present you well as Your daughter, and Princess to the Most High. Help me to accept and love you as Father, my Daddy, as my perfect lover, my Savior who wants intimacy with me. May my life only lead and point to you, and the things of you. Convict me when I start to cross lines, and lead men astray. I love you, Father. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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